Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Tuesday, April the eighteenth Clara Grace sat politely in her restaurant highchair and waited for her food. To pass the time, she colored streaks and dots of orange and blue on her paper placemat. Then, as if to acknowledge the true worth of her masterpiece, she laid down her crayons and kissed the abstract three times.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Backseat Driver

Clara Grace showed the first signs of becoming a backseat driver right around this time. Whenever her daddy took a curve a tad sharply or rode over a bump in the road, a firm “Whoa daddy!” came from the occupant of the car seat behind him. “Thanks baby,” her daddy replied obnoxiously and then made sure to give the next bump just a little bit more bounce.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A Discerning Ear

One habit of Clara Grace’s which her mommy and daddy find particularly adorable is her way of really listening to a song and then announcing her approval of a select few by a quick but enthusiastic “Yea!” after the final note has sounded. The reason her mommy and daddy find this habit particularly endearing is that while professional musicians score only the occasional “Yea”, whenever one of the amateur songs recorded in mommy and daddy’s home studio is played, Clara Grace never fails to be encouraging with resounding and decisive “ “Yea!”

Monday, April 03, 2006

Zoo Adventures

Clara Grace’s zoo visit on the morning of Monday, April the third proved to be quite eventful. She was high fived by an enthusiastic orangutan through the glass enclosure and if that wasn’t up close and personal enough, she was actually pecked right on the head by an African Crowned Crain. She ran straight for mommy, and although there were not many tears, that bird still retains one of the prime spots on her “Things not to be trusted” list.

On Friday, April the fourteenth, Clara Grace gave her mommy a flower for the very first time. While walking on a wooded path through the zoo, Clara Grace bent down to examine a pink petal on the trail. Then, deciding it was worth further notice, she marched back to her mommy and announced “Flow,” as she placed the silky petal in her mommy’s palm.