Friday, March 18, 2005


At Clara Grace’s fourth month appointment, her doctor asked her mommy and daddy a series of questions. “Can she sit up well? Can she roll over?” “Yes, yes,” her eager parents replied. The doctor concluded his interrogation “Can she blow raspberries?” Clara Grace’s mommy and daddy stood in silent disbelief. Here was a developmental milestone their daughter had somehow missed. “Not to worry,” the doctor assured them, “just start practicing.” Poor Clara Grace endured the showering flecks of spit that night as well as anyone could be expected. As usual, she watched intently and then did her best to imitate. Clara Grace stuck out her tongue and even got as far as blowing, only the vibration was lacking. And here is where she gave up. Her parents still blow raspberries, but mainly for her entertainment. Oddly enough, when mommy makes the sound Clara Grace pays attention politely, but for some reason, the very same sound produced in the very same way by Clara Grace’s daddy has an entirely different effect. When her daddy blows a raspberry, Clara Grace practically doubles over with laughter. Surprisingly, this reaction has not diminished with time or exposure. While it has proven very handy for invoking smiles during picture taking, it leaves Clara Grace’s parents a bit concerned about their daughter’s budding sense of humor.

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