Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Taking Our Lumps

Clara Grace was never the “lump” that most people told her Mommy and Daddy to expect for a newborn. From the very first moments of her life she did so much more than eat and sleep. Even shortly after delivery, her personality poked through in beautiful smiles. Week by week, she has been giving her Mommy and Daddy even more glimpses of what they can expect in future years. Clara Grace laughs all the time now, but even more interesting are the things that make her laugh. Most of the time, she laughs whenever she hears someone else laughing. Her Mommy first noticed this when she was listening to a recording of her daughter’s laughter. Every time Clara Grace heard herself laugh, she giggled. Now she makes loud and funny noises and when Mommy or Daddy laughs, she joins in. It is also fascinating that she seems kind enough to reward her Mommy and Daddy with “pity laughs” whenever they are trying very hard to be funny for her. These chuckles are nowhere near as long and happy as laughter, which erupts spontaneously, but it’s the thought that counts.

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