Saturday, April 30, 2005

Impressive in a Scary Kind of Way

Clara Grace’s Daddy left his daughter alone for just one second on the morning of Thursday, April twenty-seventh, but just one second was all it took. When he departed, Clara Grace sat benignly on her nursery rug rocking her toy fishbowl in front of her and listening to its cheery bubbling sounds. This would be a fine moment, her daddy thought, to go and put on a pot of coffee. He promises he was only gone for half a minute, but when he reentered the nursery, an extremely different scene played out before him. Somehow, there was his baby girl in the air, tummy down on top of the fishbowl, with her arms and legs flailing wildly to maintain balance. For a few seconds, Clara Grace remained suspended in a superman like pose, until inevitably, she rolled not so gracefully onto the carpet. Happily, her daddy reports that Clara Grace shows no signs of trauma. Without a peep, she continued her play. Though her daddy did not see the means by which his daughter actually mounted the wobbly fishbowl, the incident clearly prophesies events to come. If Clara Grace can manage to get into this amount of mischief after being able to sit on her own for only a few short weeks, her parents shudder to imagine the future predicaments greater mobility has in store.

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