Saturday, September 02, 2006

Dog Observations

Clara Grace’s mommy and daddy took her to an outdoor concert on Friday, September the second. Their daughter proudly called out “banjo!” and “fiddle!” each time these instruments took a solo break.

After a while, her daddy decided to take her on a tour of all the dogs that had come to listen to the music. Each of the canine’s owners was proud to let the little girl pet their furry friend. First, Clara Grace met a tiny and playful Jack Russell and commented, “It’s a doggie, fast dog!” Next she met a quiet but friendly red spaniel. Much to her surprise, she got a big kiss from its large, wet tongue and said, “Wet dog! Need a towel." One of the last she met was a wiry terrier whose fastidious owner had even remembered to bring its water dish. “Water,” Clara Grace observed after taking a sip from her own cup, “doggie’s water, bye bye doggie.”

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