Sunday, June 12, 2005


During the church service on June twelfth, Clara Grace rummaged through her diaper bag tossing toys, shoes, burp cloths, and various and sundry other baby essentials onto the floor. At last, she dug out a pair of overalls from the very bottom of the sack. While her mommy and daddy and all the churchgoers in the near vicinity tried desperately to keep focused on the sermon, Clara Grace pulled the clothing over the front of her head and then the back. It was obvious she was trying to dress herself, but unfortunately, she had forgotten the minor detail of putting her head inside of the clothes. Or, perhaps since the over-the-head part happened to be Clara Grace’s least favorite aspect of dressing, she was actually attempting to figure out a way of getting the job done without those dark and suffocating seconds her mommy mercilessly inflicted upon her each morning. After four or five goes, she stared at the uncooperative overalls as if to say, “What’s the problem? You never give Mommy this much trouble.”

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