Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dolly WWF

Clara Grace enjoyed playing with Nana’s baby doll during her May visit to Michigan. The doll has no hair and is a little slow, but does have a pacifier and so is okay in Clara Grace’s book. Using this doll as a model Clara Grace’s daddy attempted to show his daughter the motion required for a forward crawl. Clara Grace sat opposite the two and watched curiously. After a moment’s observation, she got on all fours like the dolly. Pleasantly surprised, her daddy sat the doll on its bottom and Clara Grace sat herself down again. Even more amazed, her daddy stood the doll in front of her at which Clara Grace attempted to stand. She got as far as one knee in the kneeling position and the other bent to push upwards when gravity inevitably took over. To the great delight of her daddy Clara Grace imitated her plastic friend’s positions reliably time after time. On another evening, Clara Grace’s nana observed her attempting to coax the floppy baby into some sort of play. Generously, Clara Grace offered one of her orange interlocking stars to the motionless infant. After no response was forthcoming from the doll, Clara Grace took the baby’s hand in both of her own and pressed it firmly onto the star several times. Nana reported that she looked a bit puzzled at the new friend’s inability to open her molded plastic fingers. The two still get on well enough, though, in spite of Clara Grace’s repeated knocking of her new friend’s bald head onto the floor.

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