Saturday, November 25, 2006

Big Sister Sentiments

Up until Saturday, November the eighteenth, Clara Grace had shown absolutely no signs of that all too common aloofness big sisters aquire toward their younger brothers. Almost every morning on being released from her crib, her first question was, “Where’s Everett go?” That morning started out as no exception. “Want to see Everett,” Clara Grace persisted as she tagged along behind her daddy who carried the baby much too high for her to inspect properly. Obligingly, Clara Grace’s daddy knelt down and put Everett on eye level with his big sister. Unfortunately, but not altogether inconceivably due to the high frequence of that occurance, Everett chose that moment to spit up a healthy amount of his freshly consumed breakfast. "Everett spit,” Clara Grace informed her daddy, confident of the disapproval this action always gains her at the dinner table. Surprisingly, when no paternal reprimand was forthcoming, the big sister took the task upon herself. “Gross!” she announced definitively and then ran into the bedroom to tell her mommy enthusiastically, “Everett spits! Everett is gross!”

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