Saturday, November 25, 2006

An Exercise In Humility

Clara Grace’s mommy and daddy pushed the long double stroller passed their town’s new liquor store during their evening constitutional on Wednesday, November the twenty-second. "At least it looks a little classier than most,” Clara Grace’s daddy said ruefully of the establishment. “They’ve made an effort with the wought iron wine wacks.”

“With the what?” Clara Grace’s mommy teased.

“You say it then,” he challenged. So they attempted the tongue twister of their own creation all the rest of the way to the grocery store.

As they neared their destination, Clara Grace’s mommy joked, “Clara Grace, can you say, wrought iron wine rack?” The parents were more than a little shocked and slightly chagrined to hear an almost perfect rendition issue from their daughter in the stroller on her very first attempt.

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